Friday, 9 October 2015

Random reasons to be happy

Hey darlings! 
How have you been?Here's a little article, with some random reasons to feel happy.
In case you've been feeling down.

 -You're alive
-You are healthy
-Someone loves you.
-Very, very, very much.
-Someone smiled at you today.
-Being unhappy is a waste of time.
-Right now at least one puppy is being born
-Treehouses with company
-Taking amazing,tumblr-y pictures
-Hearing funny stories
-Telling those funny stories
-Snorting when you laugh and not caring
 who sees 
-Maybe one day it will rain pizza.Maybe.
-Sleeping as much as you want
-Cats will rule earth one day
-Hugs.Long and tight ones.
-You COULD meet a llama someday
-Amazing converstations with people who understand you
-Dolphins can laugh.Imagine that.
-Fresh sheets right out of the dryer
-Oversized tshirts right after you come out of the bathroom
-Flowers are near you right now.Somewhere.
-There is a slight possibility one day we will be able to download food
-Road trips
-Road trips while listening to music
-You are really close to reading the next really inspiring book/poem/quote in your life

Maybe one last one.

-Please be happy.
I really want you to be.

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